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Apple已发布iOS 12.3.1作为iPhone和iPad的错误修复软件更新,没有预期的主要功能或更改。 iOS 12.3.1软件更新确实包含一些有用的错误修复,专门用于解决在iPhone上拨打和接收VoLTE电话的问题,解决了如果启用了未知发件人过滤功能,将无法过滤未知邮件发件人的问题,并解决了某些邮件中缺少Report Junk Here are the IPSW firmware files for downloading iOS 12.3.1 for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch IPSW Downloads Download current and previous versions of Apple's iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS and audioOS firmware and receive notifications when new firmwares are released. iOS 12 beta 1 IPSW firmware can now be downloaded for installation on iPhone 5s, SE, 6, 6s, Plus, 7, 8, X, and iPad Mini 2 and above, as well as iPod Touch 6G. Introduced at WWDC 2018, it’s available for those on the Apple Developer Program. iOS 12 is the latest update from Apple for iDevices and boasts a number of new features. The current crop of iOS 12.4 betas come hot on the heels of the public iOS 12.3 public release, one which brought the refreshed TV app to the platform. More dramatic changes are expected when Apple announces iOS 13 during its WWDC 2019 opening keynote on June 3rd, with some big new features and visual redesigns in the cards. That’s a beta EFreeLife 提供最新、最全iOS正式版固件、Beta测试版固件官方下载,iPhone固件下载,iPad固件下载,iPod固件下载,Apple TV固件下载,ipsw固件下载。 Vous trouverez ci-dessous les liens de téléchargement directs pour iOS 12.3.1. Avant de commencer, nous vous recommandons de faire une sauvegarder de votre iDevice (iTunes et/ou iCloud). Une fois le(s) fichier(s) téléchargé(s), nous vous proposons 2 installations : Mise à jour : Touche Shift (win) ou Alt (mac) + bouton "Mise à jour" Restauration : Touche Shift (win) […]

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iOS 14.5 Beta 8 Download. After iOS 14.5 beta was released last week, developers with iOS 14.5 beta 8 profile can download the next version of Apple’s iPhone operating … 6/5/2018 7/7/2016 3. 恢复 iOS 设备:此时 iTunes 会检测到你有一台设备正处于恢复模式,并询问你是否要恢复或更新设备。 如果你已经在本地准备好了 ipsw 文件:按住 Option 键并点击「恢复」,选择下载好的 ipsw 文件; 如果没有:直接点击「恢复」选项。

OTA Firmwares - IPSW Downloads

下载ios 12.3 public beta ipsw

5/13/2019 AndoridiPhoneRecovery工作室提供iOS 12.0 beta 4 / beta 3 / beta 2 / beta 1 IPSW直接下载链接供iPhone用户免费下载,并教用户如何在iPhone X / 12 / 8 / 7S / 6 / se上安装iOS 6 IPSW文件/ … EFreeLife 提供最新、最全iOS正式版固件、Beta测试版固件官方下载,iPhone固件下载,iPad固件下载,iPod固件下载,Apple TV固件下载,ipsw固件下载。 iOS 12.3.1 ( 16F203 ) 固件 IPSW Downloads Download current and previous versions of Apple's iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS and audioOS firmware and receive notifications when new firmwares are released. 1 Choose a product

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Jun 30, 2019 · The new beta should come with a number of bug fixes that were reported by all developers and advanced users since the first beta dropped. Apple has made the iOS 13 beta profile available to registered developers which means you don’t really need to download the iOS 13 beta 2 IPSW for installation purposes. May 04, 2020 · That being said, this update is far more stable than something like the original iOS 13.0 beta due simply to the fact that there are fewer changes from iOS 13.4 to iOS 13.5 than from iOS 12 to iOS 13. Jun 30, 2020 · November 12, 2019: Apple releases iOS 13.3 public beta 2. Apple has released iOS 13.3 public beta 2 for members of the Public Beta Software Program. If you've prepared your device to receive the public beta over the air, proceed to Settings > General > Software Updates and download away. November 6, 2019: Apple releases iOS 13.3 public beta 1

下载ios 12.3 public beta ipsw

在刚刚的发布会上,苹果正式公布了最新的 iOS 14、iPadOS 以及 macOS Big Sur 三大新版操作系统,目前苹果已经放出了最新的「Developer Preview 开发者预览版固件下载」了。据网友反馈 iOS 14、iPadOS 预览版的完成度较高,感兴趣的用户都可以升级尝鲜了!iOS 14 支持主流的 iPhone / iPad 机型,提供了很多新功能 Feb 04, 2021 · Apple is releasing the first public betas of its next round of software updates today. This includes iOS 14.5 and iPadOS 14.5 which launched to developer beta testers earlier this week.

7/19/2020 Download latest beta profiles for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS. 9/9/2020 7 月 10 日凌晨,Apple 推送了 iOS 14、iPadOS 14、macOS Big Sur 的首个 Public Beta 公开测试版本,用户可以注册参与 Apple Beta 版软件计划 更新公测版系统,提前体验新功能。 macOS Big Sur 和此前公布将首次发布公测版的 watchOS 7 暂未推出 Public Beta。 iOS 14.5 Beta 8 Download. After iOS 14.5 beta was released last week, developers with iOS 14.5 beta 8 profile can download the next version of Apple’s iPhone operating … 6/5/2018 7/7/2016

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