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Welcome to Badoo, the place to date honestly! In a society that profits on our self-doubt, Badoo is the place where it pays to be the real, unapologetic you. We fight the ambiguity of modern dating with an authentic, unfiltered conversation. We believe real connection is born from being honest in… Redirecting to https://badoo.com 24/6/2017 · Badoo is the biggest dating network in the world. It’s time to find out what you’ve been missing out on- Meet whoever you want, however you want- The world's BIGGEST and SAFEST network of new faces- Trusted by over 340 million people worldwide- Free, simple and fun- MORE features + MORE people = MORE options for you- The BEST safety verification process. Badoo 是一个全球性的社交网站,帮助用户在其邻近区域会见新朋友。B Badoo 于2006年在伦敦创建,它不仅涵盖了强大的社交网站功能,还致力于为用户提供各类游戏和工具来帮助他们获取更多的注意力并扩展社交圈。 Badoo. 12,974,042 次赞 · 13,515 人在谈论. Go to Badoo: #DateHonestly 19/12/2013 · 我和我男人就在Badoo上认识,虽然我俩曾就此问题探讨过,一致觉得混在Badoo的人,大部分都是想要Friends with Benefits,我用这个APP第一天就有无数渣男来问“Do u wanna sleep with me”,当时我就Orz了,我可是从Instagram上看到说“可以结识你预备旅游国家的朋友”才来的。
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